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RFT News

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It may be Taco Tuesday for some folks, but for Radio Free Texas it’s Big Music add day.  Happy Taco Tuesday and all that jazz.  Check out the plethora of edible for your ears tunes.  

Want a quick peek in to the internal workings of Radio Free Texas? Here goes. Artists submit their music. TFL rips the CDs or adds the digital submissions to a “New Music” folder along with the album art. El P then opens the “New Music” folder. You know that this is done when you hear […]

It’s hard to believe that a decade has literally flown by. But today, March 10, 2015, Radio Free Texas celebrates it’s 10th birthday. It started out as a means for El P and myself to hear the music that we liked – Our Kind Of Music. But it has become something larger. RFT has grown […]

Texas Music as we know it has suffered a great loss today. On a day that is so poignant, Kent Finlay went home on one of the most beloved and sacred days in Texas – Texas Independence Day. Heaven has gained a truly amazing Texas loving, people loving man and supporter of those voices that […]

Rowdy Float Trip 2015 is nearly here. For those making plans to join Radio Free Texas in celebrating our 10th anniversary, here is a handy guide to all things Rowdy Float Trip 2015. This year will feature long-time RFT favorites as well as some first-time artists and new events. All of this in an intimate […]

I know that I usually put something quippy here when we add new music, but, in case you haven’t noticed, there’s a ton of work going on around here.  To compensate, I put all of this intro in a really large font. Without further ado…. New music.

  I always wondered where the saying came from. “We’ve got more _______ than Carter’s got little liver pills.” Then I had to add all of this music.  Not sure about Carter, his liver pills or his taste in music, but we’ve got a new wad of liver revitalizing tracks. Got some new releases and […]

New year. New music. We’ve just done the first new music add of the new year and IT IS A WHOPPER. It’s mostly brand new material but hidden within are some rare older gems. Request away and enjoy the new tunes for the new year.

A few weeks back I got an email from one of our listeners, Michael Sabin. He was having a little technical difficulty and so we worked to get his tunes cranking again. After a few email exchanges he challenged me to a test, on the honor system of not using Google. I was up to […]

ATTENTION! We have been asked by the legal department to issue the following warning. Given the sheer volume of music on Radio Free Texas, you may experience the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis by requesting all of the new music. Symptoms are likely to be limited to the finger that you use to […]